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cual es el origen del pastel azteca

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nesesito el origen, no la receta,
preguntado por anónimo Jun 11, 2012

2 Respuestas

+1 voto
Esto es lo que encontre hace ya un poco de tiempo sobre el pastel azteca. El texto es de una invitacion que se hace por parte de Arizona Center for Autism (https://***.arizonacenterforautism.org) en un esfuerzo for recaudar fondos. No se que tan veridica sea esta leyenda, pero tiene sentido.


Today's menu is the legendary "Pastel Azteca". "Pastel Azteca" is Spanish for Aztec Pie and it is VERY tasty. Although this is a traditional Mexican dish,  its origins are rather blurred by time and history and therefore newer generations of Mexican-Americans may not even have heard about it.

The dish has origins in Mesoamerica and the end of the prehispanic era. Legend is that the dish started as a basic meal made purely out of grinded "maize" (corn), a crop that was very important to the "Mejicas" first and even more when they grew to form the Aztec society. Just like wheat in Europe or rice in most of East Asia, it was the food without which a meal was not a meal.

The Mejicas first converted the maize dust into tortillas and made layers of corn tortillas and kettle corn. As the "Mejicas" migrated from **** is now northern Mexico to Mexico City (the old Tenochtitlan), a variety of fowl and wild game was added to the Aztec Pie.

The main method of preparation was to cook wild turkeys (or other fowl and wild game) in two-handled clay pots or jars called xoctli in Nahuatl and translated into Spanish as olla ("pot"), and then add them to the layers of peppers, corn, tortillas, tomatoes, etc.

After the Spanish conquest, cheese, pork, and beef were added to the dish and they began to bake the dishes to melt the cheese.
respondido por anónimo Jul 13, 2012
0 votos
whatttt !!!!! ponganlo en español no....fuck yeahh aparte quria el origen no la receta
respondido por anónimo Ene 28, 2013

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